"Zora" CH Huntress Zora Bleue du Chateau Rocher BN RN THDN CGC CGCA chic cert (GCH CH Elvis Costello du Chateau Rocher x Chukri Bleue du Chateau Rocher) Zora is owned by Daniel and Angie Robertson of Joie de Vie Beaucerons and has earned her Canine Good Citizen (GCG), Canine Good Citizen Advanced (CGCA), Rally Novice, Beginner Novice Obedience, and Therapy Dog Novice titles. She is a certified Therapy Dog with Therapy Dogs Inc. and we volunteer our time visiting Assisted Living Facilities, Nursing Homes, Schools, and Libraries. She is currently training for her first French Ring title.
Zora is CHIC certified and has passed the following health tests: OFA Hips - Good BEU-380G24F-VPI OFA Elbows - Normal BEU-EL167F24-VPI OFA CERF (EYES) - Normal BEU-EYE40/25F-VPI OFA Echo Cardiac - Normal BEU-CA132/22F/P-VPI OFA Patella - Normal BEU-PA6/22F/P-VPI